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动力强劲内饰精美 Honda Civic汽车改装鉴赏

来源:改吧   2014/8/9 0:57:20


  Honda race cars. To many of us, conjure up initial images of street racing made popular with movies such as The Fast and the Furious. Young kids spending their hard earned money on body kits and lowered suspension parts. All show and no go. They are more for appealing to the opposite sex than to record a fast time on the racetrack.

  Performance parts stickers abound on the exterior, they wear it like badges of honor to their peers. Getting free advertising time for the parts companies.

  提到 Honda 的賽車,人們很快就會聯想到電影 The Fast and the Furious 裡街道賽車的模樣,年輕的孩子們把辛苦賺來的錢花到安裝車身空力套件和降低懸掛組件上。其實這些更改大多中看不中吃,難於在賽車道上創下高速的成績。這種改裝車上貼了一大堆改裝零件品牌貼紙,以便在同儕中炫耀,但也平白為汽車零件公司作了宣傳廣告。



  This is not the case with the car we see on these pages. The Turn 3 Creative Honda Civic Si. This is a serious car that is purpose built for one thing. That is to go fast on the racetrack.

  From the tasteful exterior graphics to the interior safety equipment, everything is top notch. The car had been lightened for weight savings and what ever is not needed are taken out. They've

  taken out 600-lbs. worth of weight. The doors itself are just skins that cover the rollcage. It is for visual and for aerodynamic purpose.

  The reason they chose the latest Civic Si, The FG is because it's got the most slippery shape from the Honda lineup, and the geometry of the suspension with McPherson struts are great for

  handling. It has the reliable K20 engine and a 6-speed transmission with Limited slip differential from the factory.

  The car has H&R suspension to tame the corners. Coupled with the Hondata reflashed ECU for power delivery, the car is a proper contender in any series it wishes to play in.


  在本文中出現的 The Turn 3 Creative Honda Civic Si 賽車可不是這種只重外表的一般改裝車,這輛車的改裝只有一個嚴肅的目的,亦即在賽車場上跑得夠快。

  從頗有品味的外部線條到車內的安全裝備,都是一流精工設計製作,為了減輕重量,凡是不必要的裝備都被卸走,使得車重減輕了足足 600 磅,幾扇車門改得只剩包在防滾框上的鐵皮,以達到視覺上和空氣動力上的效果。

  賽車隊挑選最新款 Civic Si 改裝的原因:

  Si 是Honda 車系中車身造型最光滑的車款,而

  且它裝備的麥佛森支桿懸掛系統所具有的幾何功能也十分有利於操控。原廠的 K20 引擎和具備限滑功能的 6速手排變速器都性能可靠。

  這輛 Turn 3 Creative Honda Civic Si 賽車加裝了 H&R 懸掛系統以增強過彎能力,也加裝了一套修改過的 Hondata ECU(電子引擎控制單元),以促進動力傳輸,經過這些改動,這輛賽車足以在任何賽車系列中競爭。